Friday, December 11, 2009

Thoughts on "Our Choice" by Al Gore

Just finished reading and taking notes on this interesting but somewhat chaotic book about solving global warming (kind of a sequel to an "An Inconvenient Truth"). Al Gore covers a lot of ground but the depth varies from superficial to overly deep. It's not clear who the target audience is but I found it worth the time.

As a techie and entrepreneur I'm always looking through the "opportunity" lens. Here are a few of my somewhat messy notes -

1. Methane capture - what are the challenges and opportunities?
2. Uses for black carbon
3. LED lighting - awesome stuff, very efficient, long-lasting, relatively non-toxic
4. Efficiency
  • More efficient electric motors
  • Capture waste heat
  • Insulation, windows, lighting, etc.
  • Fluid handling
  • Software for calculating efficiency/savings of a building
5. Social networking software or game
6. Information technology
  • Visualize – e.g. IR cameras, simulated energy loss from windows/appliances/walls, community energy losses, etc.
  • Model – estimate improvements and savings, impact of changes/activities, etc.
  • Evaluate
  • Redesign
  • Inform and motivate and mobilize and organize
  • Monitor and manage
7.Idea: Remote, non-intrusive electricity/gas meter
8. Cut travel, save money – Cisco’s TelePresence
9. “Prius effect” – seeing usage reduces it – idea: iPhone app to measure car accelerators in order to reduce use of gas and braking