Sunday, July 5, 2009

Part 2: Clean tech computing - software opportunities

In my previous blog the discussion focused on the preponderance of hardware-based startups in clean tech entrepreneuring. I asked the question, "Where are the opportunities in software in clean tech computing?" and promised to provide a few of my own ideas.

[By the way, I use "clean tech", "cleantech" (without the space) and "greentech" synonymously.]

Of course, almost all the hardware-based opportunities in cleantech require some associated software and/or service; this discussion focuses on software-only plays.

Software-only opportunities are rare because cleantech typically involves interacting with the real world through sensors and actuators that measure and control hardware. And the installed base of open sensors/actuators is small. So these pure software applications tend to rely on humans for sensing (e.g. the lights are on) and humans as effectors (e.g. turn off the power strip).

Nevertheless, there are a few opportunities around today and, hopefully, there will be more over time.

Before getting further into the opportunities we need to establish a road map. To do that, I lay out some of the categories of cleantech software with a few representative URL(s).

By the way, Eric Alderman at has an good list of companies and categories (smart grids, wireless, consumer information, computer energy efficiency).

Mike Cichowski wrote an interesting post at digitalgoggles with his own list of software opportunities.

The follow list and categorization are incremental to theirs.

The list will be filled out over time here and at

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