Thursday, July 16, 2009

Part 4: Cleantech/greentech software enablers

In parts one through three of this blog, I discussed:
  1. The relative dearth of greentech/cleantech software opportunities
  2. Categorizing the space and identifying some specific start ups
  3. Identifying some specific niches
[If you're still not convinced of the dearth of software companies in this space, take a look at the good discussion of the taxonomy and funding of cleantech start-ups at The funding numbers show that funding for software companies in this space is, literally, not even on the charts.]

So the $64K question long will the existing situation, only a few small niche opportunities, last? In other words, what are the enablers to a robust software-based cleantech industry?

One of the key issues is the lack of standards. Without standardized and widely-implemented API(s) for sensing and controlling equipment cleantech software will continue to be regulated to arms-length data processing functions.

So where are we on having such standards? Answer - not very close.

Even within the narrow of realm of personal computers there are a variety of API(s) creating challenges in performing power management. For an interesting discussion see, Triumfant_Whitepaper_Green_IT_Power_Mgt

More on the subject of cleantech enablers and API(s) next time...

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